What is the area of a circle with circumference 5 inches?

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Here is the answer to questions like: how to find the area of a circle with circumference 5 inches?

Circle Calculator

Use the this circle area calculator below to find the area of a circle given its circumference, or other parameters. To calculate the area, you just need to enter a positive numeric value in one of the 3 fields of the calculator. You can also see at the bottom of the calculator, the step-by-step solution.

Formula for area of a circle

Here a three ways to find the area of a circle (formulas):

Circle area formula in terms of radius

A = πr2

Circle area formula in terms of diameter

A = π(d2)2

Circle area formula in terms of circumference

A = C24π

See below some definitions related to the formulas:


Circumference is the linear distance around the circle edge.


The radius of a circle is any of the line segments from its center to its perimeter. The radius is half the diameter or r = d2.


The diameter of a circle is any straight line segment that passes through the center of the circle and whose endpoints lie on the circle. The diameter is twice the radius or d = 2·r.

The Greek letter π

π represents the number Pi which is defined as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter or π = Cd . For simplicity, you can use Pi = 3.14 or Pi = 3.1415. Pi is an irrational number. The first 100 digits of Pi are: 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 ...


If you input the radius in centimeters, you will get the answer in square centimeters (cm²), if in inches, will get the answer in square inches (in²) and so on ...

Circumference is often misspelled as circunference.

Sample Circle Area Calculations

  • Area of a Circle with circumference 8.5 miles
  • Area of a Circle with circumference 7.3 kilometers
  • Area of a Circle with diameter 8.1
  • Area of a Circle with radius 7.1 yard
  • Area of a Circle with circumference 58.09 yard
  • Area of a Circle with circumference 11 pi kilometers
  • Area of a Circle with radius 8.3
  • Area of a Circle with radius 87
  • Area of a Circle with radius 78 centimeters
